[quote="salvez"]Hey guys.
My one complaint about surveys in general are the limited choices when it comes to:
1. Married
2. Widowed
3. Separated or divorced
4. Single
For those of us that can't legally say we are married, but have had commitment ceremonies or domestic partnerships, it would be nice if we had the option to check "live with partner".
I really am not trying to be "pc" or political, it's just that I really don't know what to check in that instance. You all seem quite open-minded, so I'm just putting that out there. Regardless, you guys have one of the best podcasts out there. Keep it up, chums!
I completely agree! I'm engaged but everyone is so black and white on the subject that it's either married or single. The should be a gray area and put in "serious relationship." It gets to the point that I just say that I'm married to people.