In the late 80's I worked my way through school at an electronics department of a small regional catalog showroom (similar to Service Merchandise or Best). It was kind of a cool job to have, we sold TVs, stereos systems and cameras in our area. I was able to play the music that I loved while I worked and made some pretty decent commissions too.
There was this girl that I worked with that was always interested in the music that I played and she would always ask me about it. She was about 20 years old and already a wife and mother and had very strong faith in her Christian beliefs.
I was also young about 20, into alternative music and still full of my youthful angst. The song Dear God was just released by the group XTC. The song basically is a letter to God questioning whether he exists because of famine, genocide, and all of the other atrocities that occur on Earth.
I wanted this girls opinion of this song and wanted to play it for her when she came in to work. So when she got to work I put the cassette into the stereo and hit play. The stereo that had been playing all day didn't play at all and started to smoke and broke right then and there.
To this day I still can't listen to that song...