by skitpero on Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:04 pm
I have seen handful of episodes from DVD's I got from Netflix (I don't have cable) and have mixed feelings about the show. I have been investigating for about 13 years and have seen the field go from being scarcely talked about to the hysteria that Ghost Hunters has created.
I think the positive thing that the show has done is to create a broader interest in the subject and, at the same time, more of an acceptance by the general community of paranormal investigators. With more people investigating and talking about the paranormal there will be more research and more evidence to review, which is always a good thing!
The thing I do not like about the show is that all of those people sitting at home on their couches after watching an episode of Ghost Hunters say "Hey! I've got a digital camera... I'm a ghost hunter too!" and run off to trespass at the nearest cemetery at midnight! These are the people that do not follow the rules and common knowledge that seasoned investigators have set within the community. The newbies that do not research how to properly handle an investigation and alleged haunting are just giving those of us who do investigate with protocols in place a bad name!
I do know one thing though... I'd like to have of that equipment that they use on Ghost Hunters!