Hello All. New person here (new to the discussion board at least!)
How about a show on near death experiences and what people see/experience. It would be interesting to hear the different experiences of different cultures. Personally, I think that there will be a difference in what is seen/experienced in those that are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, etc, etc as I have settled on the belief that the mind creates what the person expects to see in those moments. I would love to know if I am right or wrong in that assumption as I am always open to new ideas to ponder over. How interesting would it be that a devout Christian experiences Svargam (am I correct that this is the Hindu version of heaven?), or the Wiccan “Summerland”. Oh and I am not attempting to offend by saying that. Sorry if I have but you never know what others may have experienced and I think it would be interesting to hear of a person who dedicated their lives to one belief yet upon death (or near death) they experience something completely different.